Title: "The Spontaneous Magic of the Latest"

"In the universe of Japanese animation, there are innumerable pearls. Every annum, the anime industry releases numerous new, diverse titles that capture the hearts of viewers around the planet. Each of these series come with their unique narratives, protagonists, and aesthetics, making them a heart-touching universe of its own.

However, with this massive amount of content, audiences might find it difficult to persist with the optimum, most popular anime series. Therefore, here's a review of the trendiest anime series you cannot overlook.

My Hero Academia is at the forefront of current anime. With its fierce fights, deep character development, and emotional themes, it's no surprise why it's loved by anime enthusiasts.

Next on the list is Hunter X Hunter. This long-running series has carved its position in the industry of anime not only for its intense storytelling but also for its dynamic characters and jaw-dropping animation styles.

Also, there's Dragon Ball. Known for its exciting battles and heart-touching storylines, the show has drawn a dedicated fan base from all over the world.

Not to miss, Black Clover offers an enticing blend of action, comedy, and drama that will surely hook any anime fan. This series is fondly known for its powerful characters and interesting plot.

Lastly, we have Howl's Moving Castle. Each of these films from legendary director Hayao Miyazaki tells a touching read more tale that resonates with both children and adults. These films are praised for their masterful animation, intriguing heroes, and a deep message.

Therefore, no matter what your liking in anime, there's something that will undoubtedly suit your likings. From captivating battles to deep emotional treks, the realm of anime offers a rich, magnificent collage to immerse yourself into."

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